Adjustable shelf clips allow flexible shelving solutions for storing, displaying, and selling materials of all shapes and sizes.
With adjustable clips, you can customize the vertical height position of your shelves and create a variety of different looks and purposes. If you’re still wondering, exactly what are adjustable shelf clips, read below and learn more about their use, security, and implementation.
Here we’ll answer all your questions about adjustable clips so you can make the best decision for your shelving needs.
What Holds up Adjustable Shelves?
Adjustable shelves can be made to be different heights by what’s often referred to as shelf clips, shelf pegs, or pallet rack clips. Pallets are what shelving units are called for large-scale items in warehouse or storage facilities, so you don’t need to worry about that if you’re just looking to put up some shelves in your residence or store.
Shelf clips are what make it possible for the user to adjust the shelf height higher or lower depending on their needs.
Shelving clips come in a variety of styles, materials, colors, and designs, but their purpose is to create secure shelving at the most optimal height for the stored goods and/or the person storing items.
How do you Secure Adjustable Shelves?
Shelf clips can be secured in a variety of ways. While some clips are welded to the beam of the shelf, others can be riveted or drilled into the frame of the shelving unit. Certain methods of securing shelf clips like welding cannot be removed completely, only adjusted in height.
If you’re looking for secure adjustable shelves, riveted, drilled, or welded shelving clips will do the trick. However, if you want to move the shelving height often it may be best to opt for drilled shelf clips as they can be removed entirely and reattached as the need arises.
How do you Adjust Shelving Clips?
Clips that make it possible to adjust the shelf up or down. Meaning they are removable so that you can take the shelf out and reattach it using a shelf clip, or a pallet rack clip.
If you’re wondering, ‘are some shelf clips non-adjustable?’ The answer is: they shouldn’t be. Although some companies make non-adjustable shelves, it is always better to choose an adjustable shelf complete with shelf clips as it makes storing items far less challenging.
Most adjustable shelf clips are what make it possible to move the shelf up or down and can be removed, although wielded shelf clips are only adjusted not removable.