Tennsco Q Line Shelf Clip
The Tennsco Q Line Shelf Clip, or “Q clip,” is utilized to increase the safety of Tennsco Q Line shelving. This Tennsco shelving is designed with durability as the top priority.
Tennsco is a shelving manufacturer based in Dickson, TN. The durability of Tennsco shelves has endeared Tennsco in the minds of users of Q industrial shelving for over 50 years.
However, this same quality often results in Tennsco shelving outlasting misplaced Tennsco shelf clips. Fortunately, for those in need of Tennsco clips — Q Line, Z Line, or Logic models NACE, IACE, or ACE — has them in stock. Finding these clips elsewhere can be costly and time-consuming, so look no further than for Tennsco industrial shelving clips. Shop online or call 855-289-2547 to place your Tennsco Q-Line Shelf Clip order today!
REPLACEMENT CLIP FOR: Tennsco Q Line Shelving
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